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In the workmanship Resurrection (1872) Axe of Assis considers a romance that demonstrates to the controversies human beings and the development failed in the loving outcome between two personages, exactly being faithful the denomination of what it would be a romantic romance. This logic in addition, waited for the readers of the romantic style, a Axe the merit of innovator. Different of the traditional romantic molds, in which the loving relation of two personages is hindered of if materialize in virtue of external influences the couple, in Resurrection the romance of the protagonists Flix and Lvia, the biggest impediment occurs for internal, on factors the personality of the pair. In the romantic conception, adverse situations do not exist that cannot be surpassed by the love, however, for the personages protagonists, were necessary a primordial factor for the composition of the love, second a machadiana vision: the confidence. The impediment of marriage between Felix and Lvia if of accurately for the reliable lack.

Lvia already had passed for other loving disillusionments. Exactly for the unreliability and uncertainty, it decides that optimum for couple it is the end of the relationship. C. Bogle, offer their opinions as well. The young woman had science that its future would be delivers to a man of voluble personality and therefore, preferred to act for the reason giving end the relation. The constatao of the opinion of Lvia how much to the personality of Flix it is demonstrated in the end of the romance, therefore exactly after having lost loved its, it ahead does not acquire knowledge of its behavior solipso and liabilities of the life. In the third workmanship of Axe of Assis, Helena (1876), the protagonist, an orphan of humble origin that lives as aggregate, is disclosed as member of the family at the moment where the will of the advising Valley is opened. Helena, that although to occupy place of aggregate of the family she was not treated as a servant. .

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