Solar Power Of Getting Cheaper

This entry was posted by on Wednesday, 19 June, 2024 at

(Online article) – production costs: mass production makes it possible after the use of solar energy has almost become the standard on German rooftops, decrease with the increased demand and the resulting mass production prices. Gianoni describes an additional similar source. While a FotovoltaikSystem cost in 2006 around 5000 euros, the price for finished installed solar systems declined until in the second quarter of 2008 average 4275 euro per kilowatt plus sales tax. The PV price index quarterly levied by the Federal solar Association (BSW-solar) comes to this conclusion. Despite falling solar promotion, solar energy is therefore becoming increasingly attractive for the citizens. According to estimates of the Association of solar power in Germany will be already the middle of the next decade so expensive like household electricity from the wall socket. With the support of the Federal KfW banking group, he advises BSW-solar for free around the topic of solar energy. Association CEO Carsten Komig: Continuously sinkende prices of solar power plants lead directly into the competitiveness with fossil-generated electricity. While conventional energy sources are always more expensive, always further drop in production prices for clean solar power. For the citizen, the investment in a solar power plant that is medium-term insurance against skyrocketing electricity costs.”lps

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