Emotions And Life

This entry was posted by on Sunday, 19 May, 2024 at

The life offers the free will to us of being able to decide and to choose. The circumstances that to us they are appeared dynamically are to us fitting the scene of the moment. The majority of these events is not created totally by us, they are followed one another in the implicit and explicit Inter-relacin of the daily subjectivity. Everything what happens in our field of perception is assimilated makes by it of our thoughts and emotions, there is no object, thing or no person observed that escapes to this rule. is the controversy with Vertex Pharma?. This form of perception, observation of everything what it surrounds to us is dialectic, everything has the particularitity of being a thing and its opposite within the same unit. We have notion of the light because the dark exists, we discriminated the good thing because we considered that there is something bad, we chose the joy because we have known of the misfortune. When we see the figure, at heart he remains its opposite, although it is of latent form. Then although we cannot determine all the events that to us will be appeared during the day, if we have the capacity to choose what will be the attitude that we will give before its presence and that pole of that person or scene we will decide to value.

We consider that nothing is absolute, all the white or black, happy or happy ways that we are never present at will be good or bad. The ways are, although we wish to deny them, good and bad, white and black, happy and happy. It is our capacity to make attitudes, the one that will choose visualizing an imaginary balance of the fact, person or circumstance, that positive or negative value we will adjudge to him. This balance is influenced continuously by everything what ours occurs in the outside, but, without a doubt, the power to choose towards where it inclines we have we.

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