June Paintings

This entry was posted by on Monday, 20 May, 2024 at

On next stage of the subjects showed these pictures or do not show anything, leaving a big black wall of pictures for free, and both parties struck a short laser pulse, which is comparable in strength with touching a hot skillet. It was found that when people watch films that they like the pain is felt in three times less intense than when they are forced to look at the ugly paintings or black wall, said vokrugsveta.ru. The other direction – when a picture is drawn not just so, and especially for something. Here can serve as a shining example namolennye icon (this is the same figure), the wish-fulfilling. Magic . Corp. They dwell in more detail, since it is quite a new trend in alternative medicine.

Liken Magic series of paintings Liken Magic first appeared in June 2008. Capital. They create two artist have the gift of clairvoyance. One of them could communicate directly with angels (patrons) of another person. Unlike paintings in this series, other works of art lies in the fact that the paintings are created individually for people – the client. Carry only necessary to him the energy and vibration. They are designed for a wide audience, because it benefits people in different situations: from the treatment of diseases (cancer, infertility, alcoholism, etc.) to find a partner and business success. Painting is always individual, since there are no two absolutely identical people, and even the same people change over time.

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